ENR / EPOC Autumn Risk Workshop

On Wednesday, May 1 2019, the ENR SIG of the ORSNZ in conjunction with the Electric Power Optimization Centre is running a day-long workshop at the University of Auckland on risk averse and stochastic modelling frameworks applied to energy or resource planning/operations.

We invite presentations on topics including (but not limited to):

  • hydro-thermal scheduling;
  • investment planning; and
  • modelling risk in multi-period settings.

Call for abstracts

If you would like to present at this workshop, please submit an abstract (300 words or less) to Tony Downward by 5pm April 12.


Registration to the workshop is free; please RSVP to Tony Downward by April 22. Numbers may be limited due to room capacity, so please register as soon as possible to guarantee a spot.

Further details of the programme and location will be provided closer to the date.

EPOC Winter Workshop 2018

On Friday 7 September (from 9am-4:30pm) the Electric Power Optimization Centre is hosting its 17th Annual EPOC Winter Workshop at the University of Auckland.

The workshop will have a number of talks about:

  • hydro-thermal scheduling,
  • the New Zealand electricity market performance,
  • security of supply, and
  • the transition to 100% renewables.

The full programme is available here.

If you wish to attend, please contact Prof. Andy Philpott at [email protected] by 5pm Friday 31 August to request an invitation (places are limited).