ReAL PrimES – The Research Alliance for Logistics and analytics in Primary care and Emergency Services (ReAL PrimES) brings together researchers from NZ and Germany to work on research into ways that logistics and analytics can help improve Primary care and Emergency services in both countries.
ORUA – O(perations) R(esearch) U(nion) A(nalytics) is a research group at the University of Auckland that investigates Operations Research and Analytics methods and utilises them to improve a wide variety of systems, particularly health systems.
ORAHS is the EURO Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services, organizing a yearly conference. Multiple workshops and job opportunities are advertised through their mailing list.
The Health Applications Society is a community of INFORMS (USA).
CHOIR is the Center for Healthcare Operations Improvement and Research. CHOIR is a research center within the University of Twente, the Netherlands.