
ORSNZ Young Practitioners’ Prize (YPP)

OR practitioners and students who are within 5 years of graduation on the first day of the conference (23 November 2023) are invited to compete for $1000 of prizes in the ORSNZ Young Practitioners’ Prize competition. When submitting their abstract for the conference, competitors should request that their paper be entered for the YPP prize. Refer to the guidelines for the preparation OR, Analytics and Management Science papers. Entrants must abide by the YPP Prize rules which include submitting a completed YPP coversheet at the conference.

Papers in the correct format, must be submitted to president AT THE by the stated deadline.

John A. George Memorial Prize (JAG)

Young Practitioners may also optionally have their presentations considered for consideration for the JAG prize. This prize is awarded annually for the best application of OR for improving lives. Entries are particularly sought in areas such as health, education, social welfare, economic development, or environmental protection, but may be in any application area.

Entrants should explain how their work could contribute to improving the quality of people’s lives (immediately, or in the future), particularly those who may otherwise be vulnerable or disadvantaged.