
Last updated 20/11/2024. Programme is subject to change.

Please download the abstract booklet here.

The conference will be held at the University of Auckland Conference Centre, building 423 in 22 Symonds Street.

Thursday 5th December 2024

9:00 amRegistration
9:30 amOpening
9:40 am

Energy and Natural Resources Session sponsored by GEEC:

Brent Young
“Simulation-based examination of hybrid biomass-electric energy systems for demand response and decarbonisation of industrial utilities” (slides here)

Madison L. Zegeer
“Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Residential Energy Systems: Simulating Solar Photovoltaic and Heat Pump Yields for Future New Zealand Climate Conditions”

Zainab Rizvi
“Multi Scale Analysis of Energy Systems with Microgrids” (slides here)

Andreas W. Kempa-Liehr
“Multi-level modelling with missing data for recovering the history of geothermal wells”
11:00 amMorning Tea
Sponsored by GEEC (Green Energy Engineering Centre)
11:30 am

Jannik Haas, University of Canterbury
“A million decisions towards net zero: optimization tools to plan the required energy infrastructure”
12:30 pm
1 pm
ORSNZ AGM in 423-342
1:40 pm

Uncertainty and OR in practice

Oscar Dowson “MathOptAI.jl”

Dominic Keehan “Estimation of Shifting Probability Distributions using the Wasserstein Metric”

E Grant Read “Writing LP formulations for Market Clearing Problems in Legal Format”

Juliette Foley “Minimisation of Cost and Emissions for Supermarket Product Purchases Across Recipes”
3:00 pmAfternoon Tea
and walk to Old Government House

This is a 10 minute walk from 22 Symonds Street.
3:30 pmGurobi Community Networking Event (requires registration – see ticket page)
6:30 pmConference Dinner at Apéro Food & Wine, 280 K Road.
Arrive from 6pm

The restaurant is a 25 Minute walk from Old Government House, which can be shortened by catching a bus for some of the journey up Symonds Street. Note that public transport in Auckland now allows different modes of contactless payments.
Ride-sharing could also be arranged on the day.

Friday 6th December 2024

8:45 amRegistration
9:00 am


Yunlong Wang “A Framework for Continuous Operation of Shared Autonomous Vehicles in Dynamic Traffic Environments”

Jing Xiao “Heterogeneous passenger guidance based on service fairness in an urban rail transit system”

Evelyn Wen “Enhancing public transport system efficiency with carpooling facilities as a first- and last-mile solution, a cost-neutral approach”

Ahmed Abdelhadi “Simulation-optimization approach for
charging setup for E-Taxi adoption using Dynamic Charger Swapping for Optimal Distribution and Location”
10:20 amMorning Tea
10:40 am

OR in Industry
Oliver Weide “Airline Optimisation Challenges and Opportunities”

Siamak Moradi “One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Real Stories of Supply Chain Solutions in Action”

Isaac Cleland “From PhD to Startup: Scaling Operations Research for Enterprises”

Discussion – opportunities of OR in Aotearoa NZ
12:00 pm

12:15 pm – 12:45 pm

ORSNZ Council meeting in Room 423-340

1:00 – 1:40 pm


1:40 pm
Plenary Session
Yun Sing Koh, University of Auckland
“Turning Algorithms into Action: Machine Learning for Social Good”

Mike O’Sullivan (Jr)
“Empowering Healthcare Delivery using Digital Ecosystems”
2:00 pmAfternoon Tea
2:20 pm

Scheduling and Integer Programming

Oliver Sinnen “Column generation algorithm for task scheduling in parallel systems” (slides here)

Akhilnandh Ramesh “Digital Twin-Integrated Fuzzy Flexible Job Shop Scheduling with Real-World Machine Preference Constraints and Schedule Stability Optimization”

Basile Blayac “Neighbourhood Pricing applied to the Generalized Assignment Problem”

Thomas Adams “Icelandic Groundfish Survey Formulations”
3:40 pmPrizegiving and Closing