Post Conference Workshops

Following the conference there will be two post-conference workshops:

Visualising data with R, NZSA/ORSNZ Conference 2016

Date: Thursday 1st December 2016 (9am-4pm)
Presenter: Di Cook
Cost: various prices
Location: AUT City Campus
Registration:  Workshop participants, including those not attending the conference, can register for the workshop on the conference registration page. (limited to 20 participants)


  1. Motivation, why and how to organise data, and getting started with R: Participants get started with R, learn how to organize a work project and use knitr to incorporate code into documentation to produce pdf, html or Word documents. Concepts of tidy data, and learning to rearrange data will be covered.
  2. Making basic plots, grammar of graphics, good practices: Mapping data to graphical elements in plots using ggplot2. Simple plots, scatterplots, bar charts, time series, profiles, boxplots. Using cognitive principles to improve plots.
  3. Advanced graphics, layering, maps, interactivity: Layering different data sets, drawing maps, exploring model fits, multivariate plots. Simple interactive graphics.

Health Analytics Workshop

TPM Logo pdh-logo-master-orange-black
Co-Sponsored by Te Pūnaha Matatini and Precision Driven Health

Date: Thursday 1st December 2016 (Full Day)
Cost: $30 (early bird until 21st October) / $60 (after 21st October)
Location: AUT City Campus
Registration: Workshop participants, including those not attending the conference, can register for the workshop on the conference registration page.
Overview: The aim of this workshop is to bring together practitioners and researchers in healthcare analytics. People with problems meeting people with solutions! Practitioners – please bring along your current “pain point(s)”. Researchers – please talk about your success stories with the health sector! We look forward to an exciting, productive workshop. If you have any questions please contact Ilze Ziedins ([email protected]) or Mike O’Sullivan ([email protected]) or Cameron Walker ([email protected]).


10-11:20am Researcher Presentations

Confirmed Presenters
Tom Adams Rostering General Medicine Registrars
Dr Michael O’Sullivan Improving Patient Transits
Assoc Prof Cameron Walker Simulating Patient Pathways
Maryam Gholami Doborjeh Personalised Modelling in Neuroinformatics: Methods, Systems, Applications
Dr Andrea Raith Knowledge-based Radiotherapy Planning
Assoc Prof Ilze Ziedins Modelling, Simulation, and Optimisation of an Intensive Care Unit
Prof Tava Olsen Models for Health Systems
Dr Valery Pavlov On the mitigation of the domino effect caused by liver transplantation surgeries when safety buffers are unavailable. Simulation study. Daniel Cheng, Valery Pavlov.
Ali Vahabzadeh Optimal allocation of ICU nurses between ICU and a rapid response team. Simulation study. Ali Vahabzadeh, Valery Pavlov.
11:20-11:40am Morning tea
11:40am-1pm Industry Presentations

Confirmed Presenters
Amanda Hughes and Harpreet Singh PHARMAC – The Pharmaceutical Management Agency
Dylan Mordaunt Problems in Healthcare
1-2:30pm Lunch
2:30-4pm Facilitated Networking Session

We will start the brainstorming session with discussion to elicit key issues/topics in health (a mindmap).

These will become headers for brainstorming pages that will be posted around the room with with a section for “I need” and “I provide” on each page.  Workshop participants will be invited to post their thoughts, needs, and/or /skills and contact details on these brainstorming pages, and to join in discussion around those pages.

These pages will be summarised and posted online for workshop participants as a basis for further collaboration.

4-5pm Drinks

The presentations will be “lightning talks”, i.e., from 5-7 minutes presenting:

  1. how your research has helped/could help health delivery services; OR
  2. what is your current “pain point” when delivering a health service.

If you wish to give a presentation please contact Ilze Ziedins.
We will post titles of presentations closer to the event, along with information about the facilitated networking session.