ORSNZ Conference 2022

This is a reminder that the ORSNZ conference 2022 is being held at the University of Auckland on the 28th and 29th of November, and the deadline for abstracts (October 24) is fast approaching.

In addition to the standard sessions, the conference will have two clusters of talks run by our interest groups:
OSHA will run a cluster on health modelling.
ENR will run a cluster on the integration of hydrogen into energy systems.

Both of these clusters will have a keynote presentation and panel discussion.

If you wish to present within one of these clusters, indicate this at the end of your abstract submission.

Note the deadline for early-bird registrations is Monday, October 31.

APORS 2022 now a hybrid conference (Abstracts due 10 June)

The Asia-Pacific Operations Research Societies (APORS) triennial conference in Manila on 9-12 November 2022 is now a hybrid virtual and in-person event.

The theme of the conference is Onwards to Recovery though Operations Research, so presentations around recovery from the panademic are encouraged, but this is not a requirement for acceptance.

The abstract submission due date is 10 June 2022, and the early-bird deadline for registration is August 12.

To submit your abstract visit https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=apors2022, and visit http://apors.org for more information.

Reminder: ORSNZ AGM Wednesday 23 March

ORSNZ is holding its Annual General Meeting online on Wednesday the 23th of March 2022, 3:10 – 4:00pm. This meeting will be followed by a meeting of Council from 4:00 – 4:30pm.

The meeting will be held online using Zoom.
Meeting ID: 941 6539 2709
Passcode: 627770
Meeting Link

The agenda for the meeting is:

  1. Apologies (to [email protected]);
  2. Minutes of the previous AGM;
  3. Matters arising from the minutes;
  4. President’s report (Update on Website);
  5. Honorary Treasurer’s report and financial statements;
  6. Quarterly SIG presentations / panel discussions;
  7. Future Conferences;
  8. Election of officers and auditor;
  9. Other business.

If you cannot attend the meeting, you can assign a proxy to vote on your behalf using the 2nd page of this form. (So long as the form is emailed to [email protected] by Wednesday morning, that is fine.)

ORSNZ AGM for 2021

ORSNZ is holding its Annual General Meeting online on Wednesday the 23th of March 2022, 3:00 – 4:00pm. This meeting will be followed by a meeting of Council from 4:00 – 4:30pm.

The meeting will be held online using Zoom.
Meeting ID: 941 6539 2709
Passcode: 627770

The agenda for the meeting is:

  1. Apologies (to [email protected]);
  2. Minutes of the previous AGM;
  3. Matters arising from the minutes;
  4. President’s report;
  5. Honorary Treasurer’s report and financial statements;
  6. Quarterly SIG presentations / panel discussions;
  7. Update on Website;
  8. Future Conferences;
  9. Election of officers and auditor;
  10. Other business.

If you cannot attend the meeting, you can assign a proxy to vote on your behalf using the 2nd page of this form. (So long as the form is emailed to [email protected] by Wednesday morning, that is fine.)

APORS 2022 & WHO Winter School

Kia ora koutou,

I’m writing to let you know about two APORS events next year.

The first is APORS 2022 in Cebu, Philippines. 500 word abstracts are due by April 1, 2022 (and can be submitted from Februrary 1, 2022). More details can be found on the Call for Papers.

The second is the online Winter School of Operational Research in Public Health EmergencieS (ORPHES) – a partnership with the World Health Organisation (WHO), EURO, Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) and APORS. Applications are due by December 1, 2021. More details can be found on the short and long versions of the Call for Applicants.

Noho ora mai, Mike (ORSNZ President)

IFORS Webinar @ Nov 17: Global Sports Analytics

O.R. in Practice: Global Sports Analytics
November 17, 2021
9:00 am Washington DC/ 3:00 pm Rome /10:00 pm Beijing

Michael Trick (IFORS Past-President)
Frits Spieksma (Incoming IFORS Vice-President)

Register for this free webinar on the IFORS website:  www.ifors.org

Invited Speakers

Elizabeth Wanless
Ohio University

Stephanie Kovalchik
ISEAL and Tennis Australia

Dmitry Dagaev
Higher School of Economics, Moscow

Mario Guajardo
Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen

IFORS Webinar @ Sep 20: Excellence in Operations Research Showcase

Excellence in Operations Research Showcase: IFORS-ITOR-Wiley Best Paper Awards
September 20, 2021
9:00 am Washington DC/ 3:00 pm Rome /9:00 pm China

Grazia Speranza, Italy (IFORS President); Stefan Nickel (EURO Vice-President);
Celso Ribeiro (ITOR Editor-in-Chief)

Register for this free webinar on the IFORS website:  www.ifors.org

Invited Speakers:

Isabel Narbon-Perpina and Kristof De Witte
“Local governments’ efficiency: A systematic literature review”


Kenneth Sorensen, Florian Arnold, and Daniel Cuervo
“A critical analysis of the “Improved Clarke and Wright savings algorithm”

Save the dates: ORSNZ Conference 2021

The ORSNZ Annual Conference for 2021 will be held at the University of Auckland from on Thursday 25 November and Friday 26 November 2021.

A conference programme will be announced by the end of August.

The Easychair platform is set up for Abstract submissions (the submission deadline is 1 November).

We are planning to have sessions on healthcare modelling, energy and emissions policy, and digital twins. If you are interested in organising a session, with (approximately) four presentations around a common theme, please contact the conference organisers at [email protected] by August 31.

Please see the conference website for further details.

Upcoming abstract deadlines for IFORS and INFORMS conferences

The submission deadline for abstracts for the IFORS conference, being held online August 23-27, is Friday May 14. You can find the details here.

The INFORMS annual meeting will be held October 24-27 in Anaheim, California (there is also a virtual registration option). The deadline for abstract submissions is Saturday May 15. You can find the details here.

WiDS Worldwide Conference

On March 8, 2021, International Women’s Day, Women in Data Science will host the inaugural 24-hour online Women in Data Science (WiDS) Worldwide conference. Registration is now open and early bird pricing is in effect through February 19, 2021. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

For more details see the official announcement here: