Congratulations to ORSNZ conference prize winners

Kia ora koutou,

For those who were unable to attend the 2023 ORSNZ conference – please join me in congratulating the prize winners of the Young Practitioner Prize (YPP) and the JAG memorial prize for the best application of OR for improving lives.

YPP best paper award: Dominic Keehan – Multistage production planning and price modelling
YPP best presentation award: Mostafa Papen – Towards the development of a Virtual Safety Officer – Few-Shot-Learning prototype
JAG memorial prize: Shirekha Layangani – An Analysis of Oncology Drug Prescription Patterns using Hidden Markov Models

Andrew Mason was awarded the Hans Daellenbach Prize in 2022, and presented with the award after his 2023 ORSNZ plenary titled “From MacSimplex to OpenSolver: A 35 year Journey Applying Operations Research”.

Andrew Mason with Hans Daellenbach certificate and ORSNZ president Mike O'Sullivan.

All our prize winners are also listed on the ORSNZ Prizes page (here).

Ngā mihi,
Andrea (ORSNZ President)

JuMP – recent developments

Oscar Dowson, industry representative on the ORSNZ council, presented a summary of recent JuMP developments at the 2023 ORSNZ conference. Some of the highlights are support for multiobjective optimisation, nonlinear complimentarity and many other additions and improvement. For an overview of new and improved features, have a look at Oscar’s blog post JuMP: the year in review (2023).

If you haven’t tried JuMP yet – it’s a modelling language for mathematical optimisation in the Julia programming language. I highly recommend it for your next optimisation project. There are lots of good examples and tutorials to get you started (see here).

ORSNZ 2023 Annual Conference – Abstract Deadline Extended

The deadline for you to submit an abstract for the ORSNZ 2023 Annual Conference (23-24 November 2023) has been extended until Friday 10 November 2023. For those eligible for the Young Practitioners’ Prize (YPP), you also need to submit a short paper (at most 12 pages) by Monday 13 November 2023.

You also need to register. Registrations are being managed via Eventbrite. Note that there is Student Financial Assistance available.

Please let Mike know if you have any issues: president AT THE

Ngā mihi nui, Tom & Mike (Conference Organisers)

Deadline approaching for abstract submissions for ORSNZ Conference

The final deadline for abstracts for the upcoming ORSNZ conference is Monday 7 November. We welcome presentations on any aspect of operations research, analytics or management science, especially practical applications.

You can find the details about how to submit, here.

Note that we have prizes for students, including prizes for papers and presentations. You can find the eligibility criteria and submission details, here.

This year the YPP will be jointly sponsored by Optimity and Supply Chain Company.

Deadlines extended for ORSNZ conference

The deadlines have been extended for the upcoming ORSNZ conference, with abstracts and early-bird registration now due by Monday 7 November.

Monday 28 November will have a cluster of healthcare-related talks, including a plenary address by:

  • Dr. Melanie Reuter Oppermann, Technical University of Darmstadt.

There will also be a panel discussion to conclude the cluster.

The Energy and Natural Resources SIG will host a cluster of presentations on hydrogen and other technologies that will enable increased renewable energy production. This will also have an associated plenary address on hydrogen integration, and close with a panel discussion.

ORSNZ Conference 2022

This is a reminder that the ORSNZ conference 2022 is being held at the University of Auckland on the 28th and 29th of November, and the deadline for abstracts (October 24) is fast approaching.

In addition to the standard sessions, the conference will have two clusters of talks run by our interest groups:
OSHA will run a cluster on health modelling.
ENR will run a cluster on the integration of hydrogen into energy systems.

Both of these clusters will have a keynote presentation and panel discussion.

If you wish to present within one of these clusters, indicate this at the end of your abstract submission.

Note the deadline for early-bird registrations is Monday, October 31.

Call for Abstracts: ORSNZ Conference 2022

ORSNZ is holding its usually-annual conference for 2022 at the University of Auckland on the 28th and 29th of November 2022.

More details about this conference will be made available at the beginning of September. However, the conference website is online, and registrations and abstract submissions are now open.

We welcome presentations on any aspect of operations research, analytics, management science or data science, especially practical applications. We are planning to run specific sessions on digital twin systems, energy & emissions policy as well as healthcare modelling.

If you wish to be a session chair and can organise 4 presentations along a common theme, please email [email protected], and we can ensure the presentations are scheduled appropriately.

Save the dates: ORSNZ Conference 2021

The ORSNZ Annual Conference for 2021 will be held at the University of Auckland from on Thursday 25 November and Friday 26 November 2021.

A conference programme will be announced by the end of August.

The Easychair platform is set up for Abstract submissions (the submission deadline is 1 November).

We are planning to have sessions on healthcare modelling, energy and emissions policy, and digital twins. If you are interested in organising a session, with (approximately) four presentations around a common theme, please contact the conference organisers at [email protected] by August 31.

Please see the conference website for further details.

ORSNZ Conference Planning 2020

We are starting to think about the location and timing of this year’s conference.

In terms of the 2019’s conference: we found that that having sessions based around research topics (rather than YPP / non-YPP) went well; however, in future it would be great to be able to conclude the conference with an analytics forum (or similar) event / drinks, rather than have that on the same night as the dinner.

We think that last year’s conference went well by ourselves, but for organisational reasons, would prefer to align with other conferences, where appropriate.

We are conducting a survey to see what other societies are hosting conferences in late November / early December 2020, so we can either: join them, align with them, or avoid a clash.

For example, we are aware that the 2020 NZMS Colloquium is running from 1-3 December 2020 at AUT.

Please submit any conferences that you know of, using the link below:
Go to Survey

This survey will close on Friday 31 January; and will be followed up with another survey to determine a preferred location for the conference.

ORSNZ Conference 2019 Recap & Prize Winners

This year’s ORSNZ conference was the first time we haven’t partnered with NZSA since 2012. Across the two days we had 56 people who attended, and 28 presentations. You can see the abstracts for all the presentations here.

There was also an Analytics Forum event on Well-being Analytics aligned with the first-day on the conference, attended by about 150 people.

The OSHA and ENR SIGs each hosted sessions at the conference, which helped to attract people from industry to a day or session of the conference.

YPP Prize Winners

Sponsored by Suez Smart Solutions

Best Paper: Comparison of objective functions for scheduling surgeries. Thomas Adams, Michael O’Sullivan & Cameron Walker. Engineering Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Best Presentation: Universal locker systems for urban metros. Parameshwaran Iyer, Ronald Veldman & Yao Zhang.

Highly Commended: The optimisation of milk collection. Snigdha Saha & Olivier Graffeuille.

JAG Prize Winners

Sponsored by Optimity

Winner: Developing a decision making tool for Housing New Zealand. Hrishi Kodthuguli, Michael O’Sullivan & Cameron Walker.

Highly Commended: Who will be covered and who will be left behind? Advising the Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation on fairness. Maaike Vollebergh, Caroline Jagtenberg & Jo Røislien.