ORSNZ Annual Conference 2017

The link for registering for the upcoming ORSNZ Annual Conference (10 December – 14 December 2017) is now live. You can register from this page.

Note that the deadline for both early-bird registration and abstract submission is 31 October 2017.

More details about the conference are given below.

Call for Papers

Abstracts can now be submitted for the upcoming ORSNZ Annual Conference, being held in Auckland from the 10th to the 14th of December 2017. This year it is being held in parallel with the Joint IASC/NZSA conference, at the University of Auckland Business School.

Abstract Submission

We welcome presentations on any aspect of operations research, analytics or management science, especially practical applications.

Submissions from students and practitioners are greatly encouraged. Abstracts should be 200 words or fewer and are to be submitted as plain text (not a PDF file) through EasyChair.

Oral presentations will be 20 minutes in length (15 + 5 for questions). All abstracts will be considered by the conference committee, and the authors notified of their acceptance or otherwise.

Please see this page for more information on the abstract submission process. Note that the abstract submission deadline is October 31, with optional full papers due by November 27.


Early bird registration closes on October 31, and the final deadline for registration is December 3.

Please see this page for details about the registration fees. (The registration payment page is not yet live, but will be available within the next week.)

ORSNZ Young Practitioners’ Prize (YPP)

OR practitioners and students who are within 5 years of graduation on the first day of the conference (10 December) are invited to compete for $1000 of prizes in the ORSNZ Young Practitioners’ Prize competition. When registering for the conference, competitors should request that their paper be entered for the YPP, and also include YPP as a keyword when submitting the abstract. Note that a full paper must be submitted in order enter the YPP.

Plenary Speakers

The following plenary speakers have been confirmed for the IASC/NZSA conference.

  • Jennifer Bryan
  • Ross Ihaka
  • Luke Tierney
  • Simon Urbanek

Please see this page for more information, including brief bios for each of the speakers.

(Note that by registering for the ORSNZ conference you will be able to attend these plenaries and other sessions of the IASC/NZSA conference.)